

The electricity voltage and frequency in Nepal are the same as in the UK, 230 V, 50 Hz.

A range of power sockets formats are used in Nepal. The most commonly encountered socket and plug designs are Type C, D and M. You may need to find a power socket adaptor that will use one or more of these formats. Most hotels can provide adaptors and adaptors are readily available in Kathmandu and larger towns, such as Pokhara, that are frequented by overseas visitors. 

Nepals power supply in limited and demand for power is high and growing annually. As a result, power is generally not available 24/7 in Nepal. Load shedding timetables are imposed on Kathmandu and regional Nepal. While some hotels provide power from small capacity generators, you can expect to encounter set times each day when power is either limited or not available at all. Hotels can give you the daily load shedding timetable so that you can plan your usage of electrical goods.